Elementor #1013


“By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the

rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” Proverbs 24:3-4

We are thrilled you are considering joining us for this powerful,

transformative Kingdom Workshop experience to build your ARK!

Abundant Resource for Kingdom Living…

First, you need to know a little about Jeff…

Jeff is a “Godpreneur,” who uses Kingdom principles to impact the

marketplace for the benefit of the Kingdom of God. Jeff has built,

scaled and sold companies that have made small fortunes to free

him up from the money game so he could help others find their

sense of purpose and expand the Kingdom of God here on earth.

Jeff has built his businesses on the principles of the Kingdom

through connecting with Holy Spirit truth and the spirit of wisdom

and revelation in an economy of love, generosity, faith and

compassion. Jeff now helps people create “shadow wealth and

health,” to earn money from your seed capital to generate passive

income streams. You too can be free of the money game once and

for all, and help others do the same if you follow Jeff’s plan.

Jeff coined the phrase “shadow wealth” to help get you off the grid,

away from the control of government systems so you can create

and sustain wealth with privacy to “be your own bank,” and build

your family legacy.

Full disclosure upfront: Jeff is not a financial advisor and doesn’t

offer financial advice, but he only shares what he has learned and

implemented to help others put bread on the table for their family.

His aim is to help keep your supply lines open and flow in

abundance in this ever changing world system and therefore there

is no guarantee you will have the same results as he does as there

is always risk in financial markets no matter how safe they seem.


The investment for 1 entire year to join Jeff’s ARK research

program is only $797.00 or $83 per month for 1 year.

After your 45-minute session Financial Workshop session if you

don’t have the faith you will not only recover that fee, but make

much more then we do not need to go any further.

Once inside the ARK you’ll have Jeffs entire knowledge base and

offerings and comes with a money back guarantee. If you put his

plan into action and do not experience similar results within 90 days

he will refund your money back to you. His only requirement is for

you to follow his instructions for 90 days to see similar results!

Our goal for you:  By the end of your personal 45-minute Kingdom

Workshop with Jeff you will have a sense of peace for your decision

to move forward. Once inside, you will have the direction and

guidance needed to incubate your own Kingdom Income

Generating Engine to earn up to 20% or more per month on auto-

pilot.  You heard right, 20% or more earned monthly on auto pilot

with solid history to prove it. The hardest part in implementing your

ARK is simply creating your account, funding it with as little as $100

of seed capital, and watch it grow. We will help you get onboard and

create your account so you can fund it.

If you’re ready to go…

#1. Fill out the Financial Worksheet here.

#2. Book your 45 minute session here.

Here's the bottom line. It’s not about the $83.00 a month as Jeff

doesn’t need your money. It’s about time spent and getting you

onboard and for that you’ll need to put some skin the game. Trust

me, the knowledge you will take away to create your ARK is worth

FAR more than $83.00 a month. The truth is you need a wise

financial coach. Times are only going to get harder to remain a free

citizen. We want you to be free from the clutches of tyrannical

programs such as Fed Now, which we call “Fed Control.”


Proverbs 24:10 states, “If youre stuck in the day of distress your

strength is limited.” Don’t allow past tradition stop you from moving

forward from fear of the future.

For now, go ahead and book your private call so you can have a

sense of security and act decisively to prepare your ARK.

To make the most of your time in the Kingdom Wealth Workshop,

please review the information below.


First off, we want you to know any and all information we ask of you

and on all forms or during live calls we hold very privileged and held

in strict confidence.


Jeff’s consultation will center around YOU and making your life one

of Kingdom Foundations, Kingdom Identity, Kingdom Purpose living

to have impact, accelerated expansion, and abundance to be a

solution and blessing to others to the problems existing today. After

committing to the 45 minute session, step one will be to fill out the

Financial Worksheet at the link below to the best of your ability so

Jeff can get you on a fast track to prosperity.  Answering the

Worksheet prior to the consultation will get you on a fast track to get



 Access to Knowledge Jeff’s learned by traveling the world

and meeting the owners of top income opportunities

 Help you securitize your Wealth and Financial Road MAP

 Develop your true Kingdom Living Purpose

 Develop your Kingdom Goal Setting Processes in

Wealth, Health and Fitness


Your worksheet will be reviewed, and a plan of action will be

customized specifically for you to build an ARK (Abundant

Resource and Kingdom living). Only you and Jeff’s team will be


able to see how you answer the workshop Questions.  This data is

strictly confidential.


Your Kingdom Workshop will be a zoom 45 minutes in length, but

Jeff may go over this time if needed.  You will walk away with

homework to set up your own income generating portal.  It’s up to

you to show up on time and complete your tasks needed to onboard

you in any passive income streams you’re introduced to.

Accountability is a core value of Jeff’s program so be aware that

any follow up meeting won’t be made until you complete your tasks

which will be emailed to you.

Again, Jeff is not a financial advisor and any information given is

only a reflection of what he is doing to build his own ARK (Abundant

Resource for Kingdom living).  Any information given is strictly at

the user’s discretion to engage or not, and Jeff cannot be held

accountable for any advise as he is not a financial advisor.

You may also be asked to complete a non-disclosure because this

information cost Jeff real money to travel the world and gain

knowledge to provide the power to gain wealth so it’s not something

open to the general public. Kingdom business is first about

relationship building so we don’t advertise these solutions online.


Here are guidelines for showing up and making the most of your

Kingdom Workshop event.


We can hold your consultation by zoom or phone. You will be

offered the choice.



Being present is the best gift you can give yourself! Resist the urge

to take excessive notes vs. listening and capturing Big Rock ideas

and concepts. Place your phone on DO NOT DISTURB and turn off

your email, skype, and/or text notifications to minimize distractions.

Make plans in advance to support your family with their meals and

activities so that you can be dialled in.

Additionally, throughout the Kingdom Wealth Workshop, Jeff may

pray for you and offer what he believes the Spirit of the Lord is

sharing for you. The entire experience is first a God encounter

workshop and it is His message of the liberating power of Christ

that generates wealth and sustainability.


This is a live virtual event. Jeff and his team have planned a very

thoughtful series of content. Please block out the event times on

your calendar and make a commitment to attend the sessions and

take good notes.

We are excited you have you part of the Kingdom Workshop and

take advantage of the opportunities. To engage, book Jeff on his

calendar for your best day and time for the Financial Workshop and

he will greet you a reminder text prior to your set time.


Should you experience any technical difficulties, have questions

about your current programs, have general questions of any kind, or

need support, please contact jeff@jeffrichfield.com

We look forward to hearing from you! Carpe Diem! Now is the time

to take action. It’s time “We the People” take back our God given

right to be in control of our financial and health legacy.

Here’s to your new ARK, Abundant Resources for Kingdom Living.

Jeff Richfield


The Godpreneur Guy



“True humility and fear of the Lord lead to riches, honor, and long life.”


Proverbs 22:4


If you are serious about taking the next steps to creating your

new financial ARK, please Take 3-5 Minutes To Complete Jeff’s

Worksheet and Jeff will review it. Completing This Will Help us

Make The Most of your time spent for the Financial Workshop

to be Booked.


Let’s go!


#1. Fill out the Financial Worksheet here.

#2. Book your 45 minute session here.