America with flag

America, The Beautiful, “Tis of Thee We Cry”

Urgent Warning: America is not ready for what’s coming this July.

 “America in Crisis – Together, We Shall Stop the Siege of our Liberty

Urgent warningAmerica is not ready for what’s coming this July.


We, the American Church proclaim a 3 day, “National Flag Fast” from 07/01/23-07/03/23 to seek God for a great spiritual outpouring over our Nation.


  1. Fasting prior to our National Independence Day in mourning for the despairing state of our union and raise up corporate prayer canopies over America
  2. Fasting for our Flag in honor for what it symbolizes and to honor those who gave all so we could remain free citizens.
  3. Fasting with humility unto God, and for the power of grace to be poured out nationally for the Church to be emboldened with the Fear of the Lord unto holiness to protect our Constitutional Rights we are entrusted with.

In the same way Queen Esther recognized the urgency that her nation was under attack and about to be annihilated, she declared a water and food fast. So too we American’s have found ourselves in the crossroads, under siege, with many dire situations lying before us.

Then Esther sent this answer to Mordecai: “Mordecai, go and get all the Jews in Susa together, and fast for me. Don’t eat or drink for three days and nights. I and my women servants will fast too and I will go to the King… (Esther 4:16)

So we come now Imploring our Lord, Jesus Christ for a spirit of Humility and Grace to be poured out over our nation to Honor our Heavenly Father with all our heart, soul, mind, and to ask He grant us courage and strength for the sweeping Summer of Harvest just around the corner. 🇺🇸

My testimony:

I woke at 3:33 on June 16th, and heard, “Your Liberty is under Siege!!”

I fell to my knees as I normally do in my prayer chamber and saw a picture of our American flag at half mast, and I asked myself, “who died? Someone must have fallen.” And I did a double take as I saw our flag, but it was only black and white this time with no colors. I saw not Stars and Stripes but, “scars and strikes, as I heard, “It’s you America, you’re at half mast, and it’s time to catch My wind of My Spirit as you are now sitting in irons.”

(The Lord has Jodi and I learning how to sail, and one of the terms they use when the boat is not moving is called, “sitting in irons.” That’s when the sail has been raised but the boat is pointed in the wrong direction of the wind and so it cannot move, so it’s “sitting in irons with no real power nor direction.”)

I am reminded of this famous quote from Thomas Watson, a Puritan preacher,

“The Lord grant that, while you have an opportunity, and the wind serves you, you may not lie idle at the anchor, and when it is too late begin to hoist up sales for heaven.” – Thomas Watson

And so, this morning, I saw scars and strikes…

I cried, “Oh God no!! No, Lord no!! For the sake of our children will You not spare us this blow?”

A reply came…

“No son. The time has come. Turn now your focus to believing prayer and prepare to gird yourself for a great salvation for the lost. A great revival is right upon you. Tell them THE KING IS COMING!”


In sincere humility I ask for and covet your prayers. The Lord impressed upon me that something catastrophic was coming to the financial system in early July. Please cover me and my family for the next season in bold prayer for insight and discernment as I speak with wisdom in the fear of the Lord in what I believe I am to share for the church Body… and pray my message will sink into leaders and laymen globally to hear and take immediate action for what I see as a great opportunity for the Ekklesia to rise up.

“America in Crisis – Stop the Siege of our Liberty!

I had this same “knowing in the Spirit of the future” years ago before 911 when I wrote the book “A City on its knees” a month prior to that horrific event.

And I have that same knowing and sense of coming peril, but the coming events will bring a shaking that will make that look like child’s play. We must prepare. I’ll give what I believe are the purpose and plan and strategies to be ready in action in my messages.

According to my research and the spiritual glimpses of others, I see a severe blow to our nation coming in July which will bring forth one of the largest “summer of harvest” America has ever seen. The Lord impressed upon me that something catastrophic was coming to the financial system in July, and will bring a season of reaping souls will sweep from shore to shore as it did in the days of New Yorks stock crisis in 1987.

It’s time to call a fast, a consecration for 3 days from July 01 through July 3rd

Good news, bad news…

Don’t fear, the good news is if what is coming is from evil or from Gods judgment, He uses everything together to bring Him and Us glory, to make wrong things right, for the rebellious correction, but for the redeemed opportunity – History shows us tragedy brings opportunity for salvation and redemption.

So what’s the bad news?

Bad news is right now our border walls are down. Physically and spiritually, we’ve been infiltrated, and this striking blow can’t be stopped.

There exists a severe possibility of a stock market crash this July predicted by a man notorious for getting his market predictions correct. In 1987, one man called the crash arguably better than anyone else, Mason Sexton.

In December 1986, Mason Sexton warned of a “giant stock market boom early in 1987 [followed by] a calamitous collapse and it’s coming this July between July 12-21st. “

So I shudder at what is coming, this July, but there is now opportunity to prepare and gird ourselves for the coming storm.

In celebrating our independence this July 4th for me it won’t hold the same tradition. For me and countless others this year will be a different kind of fireworks celebration, a departure from happy go lucky attitude we have seen or celebrated. In fact, I am in mourning for our flag and see her at half mast with no colors, so how can I find joy in what America has stood for when She isn’t in all that splendor this year. Maybe next year my feelings will change but we are presently at war with an evil false American empire, and the enemy is right at our door. I feel a similar sense of desperation Nehemiah did in his day when he saw the walls down in his home city of Jerusalem.  Again, a similar depiction is found in the book of Esther when she discovered her Jewish nation was about to be annihilated. In holy fear she was motivated to put God’s kingdom before her own welfare.  What was important to God was most important to her.  She proclaimed a sudden fast. Sometimes we make the call and often we see the “why” later.

Therefore, I will personally fast no water, no food from 07/01/23-07/03/23,

will you join me?

“Let our hearts be open to you and give us the strength to come to your shelter with our souls. We pray that we do not depend upon just bread for our survival but by words that you speak. Oh God, give us the power to fast to ensure that we hold fast to you. Amen.”

Queen Esther had great courage. She proclaimed a three-day water fast before she went to the king to ask for justice. She had the courage to take action first because of her people’s fasting and prayers. Esther and her people were first the victims of Haman’s wickedness but after the fast, the tables turned, and it was the king who destroyed Haman on his own gallows.

Similarly, in the course of time, King Jesus promises us He will have His day of Justice as we cry out to Him day and night. Luke (18:7-8)

And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?

In my spirit I see by the end of July many will be looking down in grief and sorrow moaning from bank failures and what they lost, but the good news is multitudes of Americans can and shall be saved from what Christ came to do – save their souls! But more can be saved if we gird ourselves, get off our normal daily routine and schedules, and prepare for these 3 days and seek humility and justice from our righteous King because He is coming! The King is coming. Did you hear me?

“The King is Coming!”

This summer of great harvest is upon us. Let’s prepare our hearts and make plans for this coming wave of evangelism. Let’s position ourselves in humility and work our own salvation in fear and trembling.

I’m sounding the Joel 2 alarm to gird ourselves and join us in this fast…

Therefore, I am calling for a Holy consecration, a fast of all water and food from 07/01/23 – 07/03/23, three days prior to our National Independence Day. 

Position and Prayer Instructions for the 3 Day Fast

Below is an outline for the three day fast. There will be no corporate gathering or specific zoom prayer hours. Each person will seek the Lord in a personal “hidden” manner of deep humility and repentance for at least 1 hour per day. Day one we bow with a heart posture of repentance and forgiveness for ourselves and of the Church at large. Scriptures include reflection on Isaiah 30:15, Joel 2, and Revelation 2 (letters to the 7 churches) as our theme scriptures.

Day two consists of focused prayer on raising up the global prayer movement, canopies of prayer securing states to city’s, including the 172 gatekeepers around our city of Nashville praying the “Common Prayer for Greater Nashville,” below, and reciting scriptures Luke 18:7-8, Nehemiah 2 and Esther 4.

Day three we will arise and pray Harvest Evangelism Warrior Bride prayers such as Psalm 2, Isaiah 61, and Psalm 9.  The battle is the Lord’s however we must be the voice using His Word as a sharp sword to cut through the noise. We shall pray and call God’s plan forward to see our enemies be flushed out and scattered and evil mindsets in the seven mountains be destroyed.

Many see the end of September as a wonderful season of evangelistic outreaches.  Even here in Nashville events such as WowJam (sponsored by Bethel World Outreach). Also our own Senator Mark Pody is building a full scale tabernacle to be displayed at fairgrounds in preparation for a multitude of salvations. 

Pray for Laborers to be sent and for churches to link up across the states as we see with our own eyes the explosion of a missions to missions movement take precedence.  We shall be in awe of the many needing direction and truth from the Lord for the things coming upon the earth will bring great fear and terror. Holy Spirit confirmed that we (His Body) are to be “the deliverer” this time around not a Moses, and not even Jesus Himself, but His spirit which resides boldly in us. Yes, we are the next gen deliverers, praise God!

Below is Our 3 Day Fast Theme to Reflect and Pray Upon

Day 1 – Seeking Repentance, Sanctification, Pure Motives and Fear of the Lord

  • We are going to our King for a sacred 3 day pause to reflect in humility to pardon our sin, implore an outpouring of grace for holiness and newfound fear of the Lord. The type of fear that makes us His friends again.

Day 2 – Prayer for day and night Justice – regarding the global prayer movement to sharpen and for the reenactment of truths we hold to be self-evident to make wrong things right…

            Use Luke 18:7-8, Psalm 2, Psalm 9

  • We are going to our King for justice to ring loud and cutoff this present tyranny of evil wanting to annihilate America’s founding virtues of truth and the doctrine of our faith, the Bible.

  • We are going to our King to implore Him for the return of justice to our voting system; for righteous rulers to be elected next two years, and the overturning of evil decrees, laws and demonizing executive orders.

  •  We are going to our King to restore the distinction between sexes and wipe away immoral behavior; such as introducing alien sexual ideas to our children, and the idea it’s proper to kill babies in the womb as it were a sacred thing to do.

  • We are going to our King to overturn the false narrative of Big Tech, Big Pharma, media, and government attempting to silence anyone who dares to voice the truth and disagree with the radical elites who demonize Christians.

Day 3 – Praying for Harvest Evangelism – for a great outpouring of Holy Spirit to equip the Body of Christ to win souls for Christ 2023 into 2024, and a multi-generational revival of Christ’s Body

  • We are going to our King for revival for the hearts of the Fathers to be turned to the children, and the children to the Fathers; for a culture of Life to prevail over a culture of Death; for there to be true repentance and rest that leads to true Freedom, Jubilee, and Unity.   Malachi 4:6

You may be asking, “Why should we proclaim such a bold fast just prior to our National Day of Independence celebration?”

This is vitally important as it relates to the fear of God. As I see it if we do not make haste there is no return of a free republic to celebrate. If we turn a cheek and compromise in this hour it may affect our freedom for the rest of our family’s lives.

Let’s shift our mindset from just going through the traditional 4th of July celebration, give holy pause, stop all commotion, and reflect upon the present state of our union. How can we celebrate what we are morning? Yes, we can still honour our heroes and our national freedom. We still honor what our patriots and forefathers stood for, and right now they are in their graves reeling or in heaven shouting, “All we gave you, fought for, bled for, and died for is tottering in the balance for the land of the free and the brave. What will come of your free nation?”

As patriot Thomas Paine penned, “These are the times that try men’s souls.”

Watch for unstoppable “crisis of fireworks” mount up leading to more bank failures in July. Many Wall Street bankers will be in shock, dismayed as the demise of our economy unravels further.

Pray with me now, “Jesus, We lift up Your Church, for the lines of connection and communication, for Pastors, Prophets, Evangelists and Equippers to prepare for the coming missions to missions movements. Start the missionary engines, and shift our spiritual mindset to how we practically work together as one to save a hurting world when they come knocking on our door.”

The Lord is raising a new “world wide web” of prayer – A Canopy of Statewide and National Corporate Prayer!

You may help today by sharing this message with your family and friends, pastors and church leaders to join us in the “Flag and Water Fast” for Humility and Honor to our King Jesus” 07/01/23-07/03/23.

Prepare for crisis interventions with a Missons Movement across America.

History repeats itself. America is presently in the same posture as Jeremiah Lamphier found himself in 1857, read on…

The telegraph and newspapers spread the news of the religious excitement in New York, and the Panic of 1857 undoubtedly added a sense of uncertainty and urgency to gatherings of businessmen. Banks were failing. Similar prayer meetings of today were organized across the country. J. Edwin Orr, a student of the revival, estimated that perhaps as many as a million people were converted in 1858 and 1859, more than 3% of a contemporary United States population of less than thirty million.Not long before his death, the thoughts of the late 19th-century evangelist Dwight L. Moody turned to this religious revival of his youth. “I would like before I go hence”, he said, “to see the whole Church of God quickened as it was in ’57.”

(Taken from Wikipedia below)

Harvest Evangelism, the real American Dream

Once many came to America to catch the spirit of entrepreneurism and find freedom from tyrannical governments. Now many more are pouring into our land with their own evil agendas to tear our country apart at its roots. But the Good News is this country was founded on Judean Christian principles and there is an underlying boldness of the gospel surmounting to turn the hearts of those who try to subjugate our duty of faith.  Faith is spelled, “R I S K” and it this profound faith of fellow Americans who say to the storm, “Peace, be still!!”  is spelled “R I S K.” As Christians  none of us are called to lead normal American lives. The only way we can fail is if we do nothing. 

Back to my prophecy for our summer of harvest evangelism…

I saw the end of this September 2023, the last week especially, as a great opportunity of harvest for America. “Yes, Souls for the Kingdom!”

I asked the Lord could this be what we been praying for the greatest awakening? I got this message for you: This summer will be a season of revival that moves us one step closer to the Great Awakening.

We’re now in a Kairos moment, a Nehemiah moment and movement is here. In some ways our walls are lying down. There is a certain feeling of disempowerment I want the Lord to shift in your spirit. Will you agree with me now in prayer,

“Lord may a convergence of the Church of Jesus Christ come and unite now so many ministries and missions will bring multitudes of souls into the Kingdom of God in the coming days.”

“Lord, we pray where we are apathetic in fear of failure may You shift your Body into a holy boldness of might and a knowing of what we are each called to change the course of history.”

I am sounding the Joel 2 alarm! Will you be a voice and help spread the message for this time of holy consecration?

Its time to gird ourselves, and make it personal, “Lord, how might I change my schedule; Lord what do You have for me to do?”

By helping us spread the message you are promoting your own Goshen

The Spirit is designating “cities of refuge and preparing and pockets of Goshen.” As we are obedient to His call our Shepherd will prepare tables of salvation right in the midst of our enemies. Maybe at your own doorstep!

Help me announce this 3 Day Esther Fast for our Flag and what it waves for in our Constitutional commitment. Let a surge of corporate prayer canopies arise.

In prayer, cry out for new borders surrounding our nation to fortify our churches as connecting points to mend the holes and bridge the gaps. Declare to spiritual darkness, “Enough is enough!”

Cry out for the angels of the second heaven to spread their arms and Wings out “wing to wing” to build a spiritual hedge of connection of protection to cover the states and cities of America.

This is a trumpet call not just to prepare our own arks, but you can be a life jacket of the Gospel of Christ and vessels of compassion sent across the stormy sea to bring hope to a hurting world. Be a voice of salvation to the lost from sea to shiny sea!

Oh Beloved, Raise your sails. Turn on love hope and faith. Turn into the direction of the wind.  Be a living vessel of testimony. Escape the irons of fear and powerlessness. Share your message. Let your voice be heard. Anchor your soul for a summer of harvest evangelism. Our Father is beckoning us to move forward in faith and He wants us to know He has our backs. This is our time to rise and shine! 

Spread and share this message: Join us 07/01/2023 – 07/03/2023

Proclaim and declare this 3 Day Fast for the Flag, our national virtue, and for the needed grace, in humility and the honor of our King, Jesus!

Pray and declare this with me, “Heavenly Father, we come to You at the cross in humility and hold our Untied States flag in the hands of our hearts. We implore to You for this 3-day fast from food and water just as Esther did for her nation Israel.

We ask for emboldenment for us to carry forth our own individual tasks. We pray for the restoration of this free republic and for the colors of our flag in all its red, white, and blue for which it stands, one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Let it be so. Amen.”

07/01/23-07/03/23 is our time. Time to lay down our lives for our country. Join us in this fast and ask the Lord to give you strength as Esther called for in her day.

For hope and inspiration, listen to my latest patriotic song called,
“America, You’re still the Beautiful!”

“Oh, America you’re still the beautiful land that I love….

Awaken, Oh Bride of Christ, and stand in your place of boldness.

Join with me along with countless others sounding the trumpet to rise! Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. If God is for us who could be against us?!!

This is our Isaiah 61 moment!  .

This Word is in me and it is in you! We are the deliverer’s this time. Pass it on!  We can do this. With Christ all things are possible. Like the patriots of old we say, “Give us liberty or give us death!” and as Paul admonishes, “To live is Christ, and to die is gain!”

Exaltation of the Afflicted

“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me,

Because the LORD anointed me To bring good news to the humble;

He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,

To proclaim release to captives

And freedom to prisoners;

To proclaim the favorable year of the LORD

And the day of vengeance of our God;

To comfort all who mourn,

To grant those who mourn in Zion,

Giving them a garland instead of ashes,

The oil of gladness instead of mourning,

The cloak of praise instead of a disheartened spirit.

So they will be called oaks of righteousness,

The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.

Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins,

They will raise up the former devastations;

And they will repair the ruined cities,

The desolations of many generations.

Strangers will stand and pasture your flocks,

And foreigners will be your farmers and your vinedressers.

But you will be called the priests of the LORD;

You will be spoken of as ministers of our God.

You will eat the wealth of nations,

And you will boast in their [f]riches.

7Instead of your shame you will have a double portion,

And instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion.

Therefore they will possess a double portion in their land,

Everlasting joy will be theirs.

For I, the LORD, love justice,

I hate robbery in the burnt offering;

And I will faithfully give them their reward,

And make an everlasting covenant with them.

Then their offspring will be known among the nations,

And their descendants in the midst of the peoples.

All who see them will recognize them

Because they are the offspring whom the LORD has blessed.

I will rejoice greatly in the LORD,

My soul will be joyful in my God;

For He has clothed me with garments of salvation,

He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness,

As a groom puts on a turban,

And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

For as the earth produces its sprouts,

And as a garden causes the things sown in it to spring up,

So the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise

To spring up before all the nations.”